2 inches gone overnight!
I just wanted to share my experience with the Chinese belly rub. lately I have been feeling very bloated and looking it also. So I decided to start doing the belly rubs yesterday. I did 15 minutes clockwiseand 15 minutes counter clockwise.this morning I measured my natural waist and my lower waist and each measurement was one inch smaller. Since this was only one time I am going to continue with the belly rubs and post daily to be sure that these results are for real.
thanks! And happy breathing!
C-section belly of 10 years is actually shrinking
I'm excited to say, that besides the weight and inch loss from the belly rub and LifeLift workouts, my c-section belly of 10 years is actually shrinking. For who've had a c-section knows that that lower part close to the incision is usually just an uncontrollable blob.Well uncontrolled no more thanks to LifeLift and belly rubs. :-)
Have a Fab Day!
I wanted to make sure these posts by Wanda Marie are seen by all of you. She is without question one of the most inspiring people I have met through my LifeLift program over the years.
If these posts from Wanda and Claudia don't inspire you to do your LifeLift breathing today, I am not sure what will.
From Wanda Marie, You are so special to me.
Many years ago when we first met I was morbidly obese, with nowhere to turn. You helped me each step of the way in getting me started with the basics of LifeLift, by helping me find 'my why' so that the weight would come off healthily (is that even a word? if not, it is now lol). I'm grateful to be able to help others as you did me. You are my forever mentor and your exercise program helped me, a severely obese person, be able to do exercise no matter what. That's a fabulous accomplishment I made and I thank you for that. Everyone can do LifeLift, any size; any body type. If we can breathe we can do LifeLift.
I am ever so grateful to have Rashelle Haines and LifeLift Aerobic breathing and my favorite famous body wrap system also created by Rashelle. That's my name for the body wrap because it helps keep me motivated every step of the way. Doing LifeLift breathing is an aerobic exercise. You will break a sweat. And it's ever so gentle.
From Wanda Marie: Thank you Rashelle, you are an Angel. Actually, I was still writing but FB decided I said enough LOL. So everyone out there, please take this gift of an opportunity to try this exercise program. My favorite DVD is the animated version for children. It's so much fun. What a great holiday gift for a child. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or want to hear more about my results with these products. This is giving yourself a gift.
And then our beautiful Claudia posted this. It is like the cherry on top of the cake.
From Claudia Wagel
Claudia Wagel If you are thinking about making a purchase...do it!!! Especially now! I've been doing LifeLift for over a decade...I'll Never stop
Rashelle Haines-Creator of LifeLift *OxygenLift
Follow me on Facebook
We ship world-wide
Check our Main Store at the top of the screen to check out our products
How is this for a little inspiration!
Jamie H.H. has lost 100 pounds over the past year. She looks amazing but even more important it has totally transformed her health and her life. As an added benefit she looks years younger and more vibrant!
From 250 to 150 with LifeLift even with an auto-immune disorder and while taking meds that cause weight gain.
Hooray for Jamie!

Over 1,000 studies show evidence that breathing correctly can relieve anxiety, depression and chronic fatigue as well as many other health issues.
What can changing the way you breathe do for you?
More than you can imagine!
We Accept MasterCard, Visa, through Pay Pal
Please note all testimonials are the opinion of the writer.
No two people are exactly alike so we cannot predict weight and inch loss results. Results may be different for each individual.
The testimonials are not based on scientific evidence, rather on the personal results of each person.
We are here to support your success and we strive to do it with honesty and integrity. If you have questions please feel free to email me directly.
Here are a few of the tens of thousands of testimonials that have arrived in our mailbox
"My name is Julie--and I live on top of the world in Colorado-
elevation 9,521 feet-(we use to be Oxygen deprived here--but haven't
been since finding LifeLift several years ago--)LOL!
I started LifeLift--after finding out about it--on a BodyFlex board-
although I saw the benefits of oxygen from that program-I have never
gone back--but do credit BF--for leading me to you Rashelle--and
your wonderful--much gentler programs--
I started out with the Original video, workout 2 and the
stretchbands workout--Loved the stretchbands workout!
I went from a tight 14--we're talking REALLY TIGHT(refused to buy
16's-)-to a size 8 in 5 months--I wasn't even very consistent--
(about 4 days a week)--
Well--the down-side of oxygen--(and I'm kind of joking here--)--
found me pregnant at age 42--lol--(good-bye--size 8's)
I did Oxycise while pregnant--no offense to Jill--but--I couldn't
wait to get back to LifeLift--
One problem-- while 13 weeks pregnant--I fell on black ice--and hit
the back of my head--causing left side numbness--and severe
I knew that after I had my baby--I would do LifeLift--and get my
figure back--but--it has been quite a long painful road since my
fall--over the past 2 and a half years--
I have been on several medications--(all the while--trying to do LifeLift--
but combined with physical therapy--it left me feeling horrible--and
the meds put me into a sleep coma every day--)--This is difficult--
with a baby--and pretty depressing--but--
Now--at almost 45-(in December)-I have a 2 year old, almost 17 year
old and 13 year old--
AND--here's the really great part-- I have finally hit upon a
combination of LifeLift positions--that WORK for me--I am on day 87
of LifeLift--doing at least 20 minutes a day--my headaches are GONE most
days--and I have completely gone off one medication--and now RARELY
have to take another one--
I cannot tell you what a real life saver LifeLift has been for me--
thank you so much Rashelle--and I am finally getting back to those
size 7/8's again too--well--still have a ways to go--but--I know I
will be there soon!
About a month ago--I ordered new DVD's--Oxygen Zoo--(for my 2 year
old--who loves to "pahhhhhhh" with me)-workout 1-(as a gift)--
Reflexology--(LOVE IT!)-and the Original--(tried but true)--
I have since given my old videos to a couple of very good friends--
(it amazes me--that some people absolutely shut their minds to the
possibility--that something as VITAL as oxygen--might be the answer
to their prayers)--
Life is Good--but Life on LifeLift--is BETTER!
Thanks again Rashelle--"
Good Morning Rashelle ~
I tried Beyond Magic & Night Magic (The Herbal Body Wrap Set) last night with my husband. He was not going for Saran Wrap.
We applied both Beyond Magic and Night Magic ... then put on tight workout clothes straight from the dryer. I slept in mine. Results: both of us lost a true 3/4inch off the widest part of our middles. One could argue that the difference was due to mis-measuring or water loss except there is more to the story
Earlier that evening I tried on a beautiful rayon dress from Soft Surroundings (love that mail order catalog!) and it was a Petite Medium. It is called the Luberon Market dress and has been a staple in the catalog of several years. Comes in lots of yummy colors. I put on the dress with my regular underwear. It was too tight across my chest, midriff, and hips. It has ties in the back and is supposed to hang a bit loosely. I put on my best bra and a pair of Spanx to-the-knee body slimmers to see if I might just be able to get away with it. That just wasn't enough to make a difference. So, I wrapped it up to return it. I knew even with the daily breathing, I couldn't fit into by the time I left for vacation. Since I had only measured my hips before-and-after (but had done the body wrap on my entire body) it occurred to me to try on the dress again. This morning I took it back out of the box and tried it on again. Not only did it fit beautifully, but it hung looser than with the Spanx on! Now that is an accomplishment.
Also of interest to us ~ we both got up several times to use the bathroom during the night and found that our swollen ankles from a recent plane trip had greatly reduced by morning. I will always travel with this and add it to my baking soda/Epsom salts bath routine when I fly. We both had the most intense and interesting dreams; a reminder that what we put on our skin is as important as what we put in our mouths. Long story short, I have been doing the breathing with success but couldn't talk my husband into trying LifeLift until this morning after I measured him. But today I taught him how to do it and showed him the DVD demonstration. He breathed all the way to work! Thank you for creating these amazing techniques and formulas and especially for your gracious presence in the world.
I have had Professional Body Wraps everywhere, spas in Paris, Cape Town South Africa, New York, San Francisco. They were expensive and left me feeling great but I have never seen any reduction or results until I tried your at home Body Wrap products.
Very best regards,
Antonya Fults
I was just bragging to my Mom about my results. I should have measured but the results are clearly visible.
I have before pictures. I will keep you posted. Your products are awesome.
I will be reordering soon
I started LifeLift on Monday, and my measuring day is always Sunday...so I need to tell you my numbers....9 inches and 3 pounds lost! Yippee!!! I knew I was losing inches, I could see it in the mirror and feel it in my clothing. But it isn't just about the inches, as great as that is. It is about the way I feel, the way I sleep better. I feel as though I am healing myself from the inside out, one breath at a time. I made a conscious decision in January to exercise for my health and for me, and I have stuck to that. I made time every day to exercise. It was aerobics, Yoga, Pilates, Callanetics, and then for the past 2 months prior to your program it was Body Flex. I thank God I found your program, this is it,this is the program I will be living with for the rest of my life. I never felt this about any program before. I don't have to just enjoy the results, I can enjoy the process too. I purchased your work-out #1, and your Reflexology tape. I loved the workout. The Relexology tape is amazing! I am ordering the entire line today. I just wanted to again, give you a heartfelt thank you, you have changed my life.
Hello Rashelle
I have been wanting to write to you since the first time I put your LifeLift DVD in my player.
Your caring spirit comes through and I knew right away that I could trust you completely. Your eyes show the love you have for people and it really does make me look forward to working out with you every day.
As of today I have at least a dozen of my friends who also do LifeLift and we all agree. There is no one quite like you in the health industry. You are obviously doing this for the right reasons. We are all excited about our inch and weight loss, but even more excited about the new energy and feelings of being more alive. For my friends who have had to live with chronic pain your program is a genuine Godsend. I was the first to find your web site after I had been praying for an answer to help me find a program that would help me get healthy. There you were with that angelic face of yours. You look even better in the video than on the web site, but it is really about who you are inside that makes your program so extraordinary. You say that inspiration is more important than instruction and boy do you know how to inspire. You have made me believe in myself again.
I have tried all of the other breathing programs out there, and I mean all of them, including oxycise and body flex.
I will no longer need to look to see what is out there. Nothing could be better than LifeLift. You have incorporated your gentle, nurturing personality with all of your many years of experience in the health field and you have taken it to a whole new level with I used to do yoga too and I agree with you when you say LifeLift is a step beyond yoga. Your LifeLift breathing embraces all of the best parts of what yoga offers and you have taken it several steps further.
I love the way you sign your messages with Harness the power of oxygen. You really have figured out how to do that and you have created a workout that I think anyone can do. One of my friends has MS and one has chronic fatigue and they are both in love with LifeLift as I am.
Love and gratitude,
Alexa J.H.
I will never, ever, ever be fat again. I can actually see myself as thin in my minds eye..I know that I am breathing so much more deeply than I have for the whole of my life. It is healing my body. My hand has been numb for several years...just a side effect of some past MS activity. Well, I seem to have better control and feeling than I have in some time...
No instant gratification here...purely consistent, steady, lifelift breathing every day.
I will do the reflexology and stretch band dvd's this evening...
I am so glad to have finally "relaxed" and given in to just doing lifelift...no major weight lifting, or bike riding, etc. I know that if I get my LifeLift breaths in every day, that is more than enough to help me lose weight and feel strong.
Is it really that hard to believe that "breathing" heals?
I mean, the first thing that is done whenever someone goes into an ER or an operation, is to slap on the Oxygen mask...That ought to tell us something...
I'm so glad to breathe!
Healing my body and mind with LIFELIFT!
I lost 17 INCHES off my torso in the 1st week & went from a tight
size 16 to a loose size 10 after the first 3 months <:-) Since then,
I've been on LifeLift maintenance for the last 3 years -- I don't
diet at all, but I do keep hydrated & eat sensibly <:-)
Relaxation is really KEY for releasing fats & toxins...
Your friend,
I've been doing LL for quite some time now. I began my journey to wellness in earnest about 4 years ago. At that time, I was 43, overweight, had undiagnosed hypothyroidism and anemia, and generally felt awful. It took some time and lots of little changes, but I'm now soon to be 47 have recently lost 30 lbs, have my blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar under control.
I'm telling you all this to let you know that there is hope . . . Thanks to the changes I've made with my doctor and from doing LifeLift regularly, I'm feeling better than I felt in my 20s and 30s. I'm now wearing my dd's size 8 and some of her size 6 capris. I still have 20 lbs to go to reach goal, but I'm smaller at this weight now than I was years ago at the same weight (I wore 12s and 14s back then).
I can't say enough good about the LifeLift program. I NEVER dread doing it like I did other exercises. I've gained so much strength in my arms. I'm also able to do leg lift stomach exercises at our karate class with ease while the teens in the class moan and groan.
I recently started being very faithful about doing the facelift portion of the workout. One of my recently developing expression lines on my forehead (where folks are getting Botox) is beginning to vanish.
You've come to the right place to start on your wellness journey. Rashelle is wonderful - - I can't tell you how peaceful the music is in the background for her workouts. I just love them.
Rashelle, thank you. I'm so grateful this year to feel so healthy. If there ever were such a thing as reverse aging, I would feel like I've arrived this year! It's so good to be 30 lbs down, and moving toward a size 6. I not only feel better, I really look a lot better, too. LifeLift is a HUGE part of it. It is my only consistent exercise program other than my karate. I have to tell you again how thankful I am you created this program. God bless you for your gift.
Melinda :o)
I have been combining LifeLift with Reflexology for years and it is hands down my favorite part of the day. When I stop to do this I know I am going to feel so much better when I am finished.
Many times in the past I have heard from people who have said they have noticed a big difference in their weight loss when they consistently do the combination of LifeLift and Reflexology. I will outline below why this happens.
To lose weight you want to improve the function of the thyroid, pineal, pituitary, liver, colon and kidneys.
A key element in losing weight is your metabolism. Metabolism is the body's process of converting food into energy. It takes place in your muscles and organs. The result of what we commonly refer to as "burning calories". Metabolism is essentially the speed at which your body's motor is running. To lose weight, you must try to increase your metabolism.
Reflexology combined with LifeLift can help by regulating your metabolism and helping you to control your appetite. It can also help to improve your elimination.
For those wanting to lose weight, work the thyroid area to boost your metabolism. You may not realize it, but every time you create a vacuum when you do the final step of the LifeLift breath you are putting a small amount of pressure on the thyroid area and therefore drawing oxygen to the thyroid for healing. Also stimulating the pineal gland to suppress an overactive appetite, the pituitary gland to regulate fluid retention, the kidneys for proper elimination, the liver for detoxifying, the colon, and the small intestine can be helpful in your weight loss efforts. All of this helps to restore balance to your body. When your body is functioning better you will look and feel better over all.
The thyroid is an endocrine gland. This is found nestled at the base of your neck, just below the voice box. This is around where you see the gap in your throat when you get a good, deep vacuum with your LifeLift breaths. If you don't get the gap, don't worry, your LifeLift breaths are still beneficial. The thyroid is shaped like a butterfly with each beautiful wing on each side of your throat.
Thyroid hormones regulate oxygen use, which affects the production of heat within the body. The hormones also regulate the metabolism of the body. (Fat Burning)
The Thyroid is found in the neck of the big toe, along the inside edge, moving into the joint at the base of your toe.
Use the pictures on your Reflexology chart to locate the points to work. Remember that combing your LifeLift breaths with your Reflexology pressure points can make a huge difference in how your body functions.
I will add more on each area to work in upcoming newsletters. I personally feel the Reflexology with LifeLift may be the most important of all the LifeLift DVD's beyond the original instructional.
I highly suggest you keep your Original instructional and watch it at least once a month for a refresher on how to do the LifeLift breaths correctly. Timing can make a big difference in your success and your success is very important to me.
The face lift exercises have many benefits. They exercise the facial muscles by stimulating the trigger points to lift and draw oxygen, when done after doing some LifeLift breaths. It is oxygen that burns fat and tones the muscles so this is an important part of the process. You should only need to do the face lift exercises once a day for results.Smiling when doing your breaths is a good idea.
You really only need to do LifeLift once a day to see results, but people who do it twice a day or add extra LifeLift breaths throughout the day seem to see faster results.
I also use my Natural Face Lift kit daily to tighten and firm the skin on my face and I use the Herbal Body wrap products around my jaw line, chin and neck to keep away the double chin I am prone to. It really makes a difference if I push my tongue to the roof of my mouth when doing LifeLift and also applying these products helps a lot.
I just wanted to share my recent success with the acupressure face lift. I had been really bummed about a little vertical line forming on one side between my brows - - you know, it's where people get Botox injections. I decided to really dedicate myself to not missing a day doing the acupressure face lift. After a week, the line had diminished so much that it was noticeable to my dh and dd. They commented to me that they could tell it was disappearing! This is doing what no face cream can do. I know the Botox works, but my goodness, we honestly don't know yet what all the ill effects long term of it might be. Also, I just couldn't afford to be out hundreds of dollars every 4-6 months to maintain a look. I'm so thrilled the face lift is working like it is. I can't wait to see what changes occur after I've been doing this for several months.
You've got to try doing it consistently! Oh my goodness, what a difference
Love to you all,
Melinda :o)
WOO-HOO, Melinda !!! Isn't Rashelle's acupressure facelift the
greatest ??? I call it the world's best-kept Fountain of Youth secret
ever, although I always TELL everyone about it -- It prevents
those "old lady jowls" from forming on us Senior Citizens too, LOL
Your friend,
One of the main reasons I am so passionate about sharing LifeLift is
because my Mom had the same disease as Rashelle and it ended my Mom's
life much too early.
If we all keep the wonderful attitude that we are doing LifeLift to
make us each healthier and healthier; and not worry about the inches
or pounds lost... just know the total greatness you are all doing for
your bodies; starting from within with every single organ. To me,
that is the top priority. Losing inches is just a good side
effect. : )
Thank you Rashelle for taking the time to share your story with all
of us.
The Victory Theory is another blessing given to us by Rashelle.
With LifeLift and the Victory Theory we'll keep healing from within Rashelle and I thank you.
Love, Wanda.
Hi fellow LL-Lifters,
Just read another article on Yahoo this AM linking apple-shaped folks
(who carry their excess weight in the mid-section, like I inherited
from both sides of my family!) with a much higher risk for hardening
of the arteries & coronary disease/heart attacks -- When I first
began the LifeLift fitness routine, my waist was BIGGER than my hips
<:-( but after 3 months on Rashelle's wonderful program, I had lost
10 INCHES off my waist & it has stayed 8 inches SMALLER than my hips
ever since then <:-)
So this is simply one more reason to stick with LL for life, because
it can literally help SAVE YOUR LIFE !!!
Your friend,
The reasons I really love LifeLift so much & have been able to stick
with it for 3 years are: it's SUCH a convenient & schedule-friendly
lifestyle; it's so easy for folks of ANY size, ability, or fitness
level; it provides so many HEALTH benefits; just DOING a little bit
of LifeLift regularly is a tremendous "upper" & even if you only practice
LifeLiftbreathing for a few minutes daily, it still WORKS <:-)
I personally HATE dieting, so I never do it & I also hate "no pain,
no gain" type of workouts, so I avoid them too -- WOW, if it weren't
for LifeLift, I'd be obese, morose & in declining health <:-( But we
all have to do what works for US and what WE enjoy doing, if we hope
to keep it up our whole lives.
One thing that works for ME is doing my minimum daily amount of
LifeLift FIRST thing every morning -- in reducing mode that's 20
minutes of LifeLift-breathing before ever leaving my bedroom (in
maintenance mode it's only about 5 minutes' worth) and then any more
LL done for the rest of each day is "icing on the cake" of optimum
health <:-)
Your friend,
At school last night I advertised Life Lift to a peer in my
class. I thought it would be helpful for her to do, considering she
doesn't have alot of time to go to the gym. I keep all my DVDS and my
stretch band, along with some workout clothes in a little tote bag I
take everywhere! (so I an do life lift anywhere of course) One girl in
my class asked me if I was selling the DVDs and I said nope, I'm just
a happy consumer haha. My teacher even checked out my DVDs. Some took
down the weblink and I think I got a few people interested... I hope
it can help my classmates to build stregnth and endurance for those
hour long massages! I let my classmate borrow a couple of DVDs so she
could preview them to decide if she wants to buy a set. It sure has
been the answer to my searching. Everything about it is perfect and it
works out so well for me...
I have tried them all, Body Flex, Oxycise and even some no one has ever heard of.
I believe the idea of getting more oxygen into our bodies is very important so
I kept looking for the best system.
I have found it.
Life Lift is so great in every possible way.
It feels so good to do it that I find myself wanting to do more and more. I never miss a day.
It feels natural and pleasant and never harsh or forced like the others.
I know I can stay with this for the rest of my life.
I have now lost over 60 pounds and several sizes. I have improved my cholesterol levels,
I have started eating healthier because I feel better and everyone tells me I look so much younger.
I read all of the testimonials on your web site before starting and
I was hoping and praying I would be one of them soon.
Well here I am and I am so proud and happy to report to you that I am a LIfe Lifter for life.
You have made my whole family healthy.
My kids love OxygenZoo and even my husband has started doing LifeLift.
He thinks it is the best and so do I.
Bless you Rashelle for all you do to support all of us,
Marsha R. W.
New York
I wanted to let you know my experience with the LifeLift
products. I love creams, serums, masks, etc and over the past few years, I have
tried almost every product on Rashelle's site. I have never been unhappy with
The body wrap products are great and I can tell a difference when I use them. I
noticed a lasting improvement on some red, angry stretch marks and c-section
As for the Natural Face Lift kit, it is probably the best I have ever used. You can
actually feel the skin responding as the mask is drying and I am always amazed
at how soft and smooth my face looks and feels after using it.
I also love the Fountain of Youth skin products. I use them daily and have no
issues (such as caking or blotching) using them before applying make-up. I use
Bare Minerals for foundation and they work well together. I have fair skin and
can end up with dark eye circles when I get tired but I think something (not
sure what it would be) in the Fountain of Youth must help with circles.
Sorry to go on and on but I really do believe these are great products and
wanted you to know why. I would also tell you that they are very concentrated
and last a long time so they end up being a great value too.
Good luck!
Gaylynn B
I just want to say that I cannot get over this!!! I am still having
trouble believing that doing simple (deep) breathing exercises can
actually make a person lose weight!!! I have lost about 9 inches in my
waist so far. I look in my bathroom and bedroom mirrors and WOW!!! I
am still having to pinch myself and ask myself if "this is really me!!"
I LOVE THIS!!!! Breathing for weight loss? Incredible!!!
Totally incredible!!!!
Thanks, Rashelle!! I love this Life Lift breathing so much that you
wouldn't believe it. Never in my life did I ever consider the fact or
the possibility that I could actually BREATHE my excess weight away!!!!
Pat Lusher
More from Pat-to inspire all of us-
I am so very happy to tell all of you that, thanks to this wonderful
Life Lift breathing program that I have been fortunate to have been on
since last February and which I will surely stay on for the rest of my
life, I am getting smaller and smaller and daintier and more beautiful
every day!!! You should all see how I am SHRINKING, and only from doing
this really fantastic breathing technique that Rashelle came up with,
thanks to her perseverance and sheer genius!!! My clothes are going to
become so big on me as I become so much smaller and smaller for them,
that I am going to have to go out and buy an entire new wardrobe
soon!!!! I look in the mirror each day and am simply astounded BEYOND
WORDS!!!! Thank you so very, very much Rashelle!!! May God bless you
forever and ever and ever and ever and ever!!! I hope that you are all
as happy for me as I am for myself!!!
The former ugly duckling is very rapidly becoming a
most beautiful and graceful swan, and that is for sure!!!! I really
cannot believe that this is actually happening for me!!! It has been a
little over 6 months already, and I STILL CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!!!! Soon,
I will be skinny and beautiful enough to enter the Miss America Beauty
Pageant, although I AM about 30 years too late for that!!! But, anyway,
that is how good I am starting to look!!! And, you know what????? I
honestly feel like an 8 year old again, although, of course, I AM a 55
year old 8 year old!!!!!
Love always,
Just wanted to "chirp" about the wonderful results I am getting from doing LifeLift! Wow!
Today is day #7 and I feel like a new person! The constant lethargy and "brain fog" that I've
lived with for years is gone! I've lost over 5"; 1 inch off my waist and 2" off my ribcage,
without changing what I've been eating.
But the best news is that I finally have some energy! This is truly amazing and I feel like a
million dollars! I'm so thrilled that there is something that I can do, everyday, that I like to
do and brings about such wonderful results. I'm beginning to feel like a human being
again! I even found myself singing this morning, that's how light hearted and happy I am!
And last night I slept through the entire night without waking once, a miracle for me, and
this morning I felt good.
Thank you forever Rashelle, your program has saved my life and my sanity. I also know
that I am breathing in wonderful opportunities now and for my future.
xxxMeghan from Australia
I am feeling extraordinary results with LifeLift.
Yesterday I got Rashelle's CD, of just the breathing, and put it in my car, so as I was driving around
Sydney, Australia, I was doing some deep breathing! I felt really fabulous.
I've also shared LifeLift with some of my friends and I know of at least one
person who has purchased the LifeLift DVDs.....it will be life changing for them as it has
been for me. He told me he thought I had saved his life!
In a few weeks I will be driving up the coast to spend some time at The Great Barrier Reef.
I bought Rashelle's breath CD so I could breath along with it while I drive through parts of
Australia I've never seen..
I also love saying some of Rashelle's affirmations, like the "I make money as easily as I breathe!"--
I shared that with two friends who thought is was super.
xxxMeghan from Australia
Dear Rashelle,
I just wanted to say thank you SO much for sharing yourself and your knowledge with everyone!
I'm losing inches and weight for the first time in a very long time, which is blowing my mind.
(I've been doing this for a week.)
I've done extensive internal cleansing and flushing, metabolic typing, workouts, and all kinds of things,
yet my body shape would not budge.... but it's sure changing now!!!
You are so serene and calm on the DVD's...
I truly feel relaxed and far away from the world's stresses after spending 20 minutes breathing with you.
I will be FOREVER grateful. You truly are a beautiful person.
Thank you again! :)
Julie Spurlock
I really LOVE doing my LifeLift breathing, because:
It starts my day on a positive, productive note.
It boosts my energy.
It elevates my mood.
It reduces stress/tension.
It enhances my self-esteem.
It revs up my metabolism, digestion & elimination.
It keeps my weight & measurements under control.
It stimulates my immune/lymph system to flush out toxins & germs.
It floods all my organs, including the brain & skin, with oxygen.
It increases my lean muscle mass & decreases my body fat index.
It keeps me awake all day & asleep all night.
It makes me look, feel, think, act & be happy, healthy & full of life.
It costs me nothing but a few pleasantly well-spent minutes <:-)
What have I left out ??? Add your OWN great reasons for doing LL !!!
Your friend,
"Keep on LifeLift breathing, it works!"
Yesterday I forgot a few other reasons why I enjoy doing LL so much,
and here they are...
I also LOVE my LifeLift because:
It clears allergy congestion out my sinuses & lungs.
It's great for my heart, blood pressure & circulatory system.
It reverses the appearance of aging on my face & body.
It allows me to tone, define, sculpt & spot-reduce target areas.
In combination with accupressure & relflexology, it's like going to a
spa AND the chiropractor daily for free !!!
I hope everyone else will share all the special reasons they are in
love with LL as well...
Your friend,
"Keep on LifeLift breathing, it works!"
Hi Rashelle,
I've got to tell you that when my friend, showed me your work, I knew immediately it was what I needed. I ordered it immediately when I got home that night. I have had both Body Flex and Oxycise for about 10 years. They're good, but there's a mind-body edge with yours that for me is lacking in the others. It's like the difference in yoga and aerobics......both are good and appropriate but for different people. Yours is a better fit for who I am. I love the reflexology and facial work. I've been doing them first thing in the morning because it nurtures me and gets me ready for the day. I'm a bodyworker and so it's important that I stay centered and grounded, and you've shown me something that really helps.
Thanks again for your email. I look forward to getting all four DVD's soon.
LieLift is really doing wonders.
The fat is melting off quicker and quicker. My once DOUBLE chin is a
nonexisitant now.. I'm getting smaller and smaller and it rocks. I just
wanted to share this awesome news. My diet has changed and my weight is
dropping and my skin is clearing up. My eyes look brighter and I feel
fresher. I feel like I've stepped in the right direction towards my
health. LifeLift is really doing wonders for my life.
WOOHOOO Heather!!! Doncha just think this is a miracle ? I may be doing not so good on the munchy part but I am definitley seeing an improvement in my complexion and eyes and chin too. :-) Coni
I just wanted to let you know the new DVDs arrived today, thanks for such great communication and fast delivery. You're always a joy to deal with. I'm eager to get try the new ones out today!
Take care and many blessings my friend,
PS: I just wanted to let you know that on the other 2 DVDs I've got, I've had them for about 2 weeks and have already lost a total of 17" over different parts of my body! I'm so excited!
This beautiful woman has MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
Mary has sent many great testimonials, but this one is special.
Note: We have many devoted LifeLifters who suffer from Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and other immune disorders so look for inspiring messages from them on our web site. If you or someone you care about is suffering, there is hope.
I have been doing lifelift since January and will never ever return to any other form of exercise that is excessive. I've been "sick" with MS for about 20 years and truthfully, I have tried to exercise and would always be discouraged.
My energy just was not great.
NOW, 2007, My energy is returned. I feel pretty much as I did when my girls were little and I was very very busy chasing them. I am encouraged enough that I know I WILL BE THIN FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. I have lost 2 sizes easily since January, and I am getting ready to change sizes again. I have never ever "weighed" this much and been this small! It is enjoyable to measure and see the results.
Oh, on the lift.
Something that I discovered in doing my Lifelift breaths...
If you put your tongue to your upper palate, right behind your upper teeth, when you do the lift it assists in getting a good suction. I've been encouraged by this...it also helps with that little pooch of fat under your chin...mine is virtually gone! The muscle under the chin gets "flexed" when I do this. (This is demonstrated in the Original LifeLift DVD or Video)
Singing in church yesterday...awesome, I could actually sing a full phrase or even two with not a whole lot of effort. I've never been that picky about having a good breath to sing, and I do sing well, but this is just incredible!
Well, it just goes to show you that you must follow instructions.
I measured myself back in January...and I lost inches in the places I
wanted to lose the most...but, all of a sudden I felt I was in some
kind of plateau...
The last 6 weeks or so, I felt like nothing was moving along.
Last night I measured myself in my chest, and bust, and the
measurement right under my arms...Oh my gosh! 10 inches lost! I had
totally forgotten to even consider my "top". My shirts were starting
to definitely "fit"...I never had shirts that weren't tight...yep...
I looked at my tee shirts and was surprised to see that there was all
this "room" under my arms...
I'm so tickled about this.
And on the mention of Healing...I am a firm believer in our Lord, I
fully believe he wants us whole and healthy and fit. I also believe
that we must use what we have been taught, discern what is RIGHT and
and TRUE and just.
LIFELIFT definitely fits all these criteria! My MS has been in
remission for over a year now, and with the Lifelift I think I will
have an added boost in my immune system not to attack that which it
shouldn't! With MS, the immune system attacks the nerves.
I have Lifelifted myself to relax more and I am sleeping better, and
I fully believe that before this experiment is ever near completion,
(not that I will ever stop), I am sure I am going to be AMAZING.
Very fit for the first time in my life, without overworking my limbs
or over stressing my nervous system. That is one of things that I
love too about Lifelift. My muscles tend to cramp
involuntarily...not that much anymore. I am slowly learning how to
relax and breathe my way to nice loose limber muscles.
Only real question I have at this point, how in the world can you
possibly have to "back" off on the number of breaths you do when you
get to a goal weight? I cannot fathom that I will get to a goal
weight for the first time in my life, AND MAINTAIN IT.
Very beautiful message Virginia!
I'm going to dig up those positive affirmations to help me along.
How has this oxygen managed to make me feel more "together" and more
disciplined??? I would guess the BRAIN benefits the most...and here I
thought my brain was definitely lacking due to MS.
Love to all of you...
I only have about 50 LifeLift breaths to go...I usually manage 100 a day.
I quit smoking 6 years ago with LifeLift
LifeLift REALLY truly helped with the cravings. When the cravings hit I would pray then do a few LifeLift breaths and imagine all the good clean healthy air I was putting in me and it mentally and physically helped me stop the cravings. I wish all people who want to quit smoking knew about this program. I know this is what I need to do with my sugar cravings.-----BUT there is that lazy problem going on in the evenings, LOL :-) Love, Coni
I would suggest the reflexology workout at night as it is relaxing.
I do the band workout or one of the others if working out during the day.
Also, if you want, you can just do some breaths at night either lying down or sitting comfortably. You don't actually have to do a routine at night.
I combine mine with positive affirmations and prayer. I also do the belly rub that Rashelle suggests.
To encourage you, I'll share briefly. I have been very sick with who knows what? The diagnosis goes from GERD, FMS, CFIDS, chronic mono to atypical migraines and multiple chemical sensitivities, especially MSG and believe me, it's hidden in so much. To sum it up...I have been sick...period.
I have done many things to help myself and LifeLift is a huge part of that program. I am recovering by leaps and bounds.
With regard to weight and inch loss I'll tell you results using pant sizes. I have gone from a size 16-18 (an18 was always too big but it hid what I didn't want to see in the 16). The 16 actually fit. I am now a 14 medium. These results have occurred within approximately 6 weeks of steady, but not excessive LifeLift. It works!
Smiles and Hugs,
Miss :-)
Hello Rashelle
I have been wanting to write to you since the first time I put your LifeLift DVD in my player.
Your caring spirit comes through and I knew right away that I could trust you completely. Your eyes show the love you have for people and it really does make me look forward to working out with you every day.
As of today I have at least a dozen of my friends who also do LifeLift and we all agree. There is no one quite like you in the health industry. You are obviously doing this for the right reasons. We are all excited about our inch and weight loss, but even more excited about the new energy and feelings of being more alive. For my friends who have had to live with chronic pain your program is a genuine Godsend. I was the first to find your web site after I had been praying for an answer to help me find a program that would help me get healthy. There you were with that angelic face of yours. You look even better in the video than on the web site, but it is really about who you are inside that makes your program so extraordinary. You say that inspiration is more important than instruction and boy do you know how to inspire. You have made me believe in myself again.
I have tried all of the other breathing programs out there, and I mean all of them, including oxycise and body flex.
I will no longer need to look to see what is out there. Nothing could be better than LifeLift. You have incorporated your gentle, nurturing personality with all of your many years of experience in the health field and you have taken it to a whole new level with I used to do yoga too and I agree with you when you say LifeLift is a step beyond yoga. Your LifeLift breathing embraces all of the best parts of what yoga offers and then
I love the way you sign your messages with Harness the power of oxygen. You really have figured out how to do that and you have created a workout that I think anyone can do.
One of my friends has MS and one has chronic fatigue and they are both in love with LifeLift as I am.
Love and gratitude,
Alexa J.H.
Hi! I have done the rubberband (stretchband) workout and it was fun actually. I don't do it regularly and honestly I think it would do me a world of good if I did. Breathing seems to be challenge enough for me to get in daily so until I get that done regularly, I don't add anything else.
LifeLift is such a positive thing in one's life but like any other good thing, it doesn't work if we don't do it.
If you're wondering how I'm doing on the program. I can tell you I do GREAT; my body responds like LifeLift is its best friend. I lose weight too...like 5 pounds in one week and a week and half later 11 pounds for a total of 16 pounds in less than two weeks. I'm 70 pounds overweight tops. I didn't even measure but everyone noticed. THEN, it happens...life. I let it rule my world and no more program and it all comes undone. I tell you true. I feel terrible, I get down because it was wasted time and I gain it back quick. Until I take responsiblity for this yo-yo action, I have no one to blame but myself. I know that.
I truly believe LifeLift is the fastest, easiest, healthiest, cheapest way to lose fat and inches with more beneficial "side effects" than can be listed here.
Miss :-)
I just love this program its so
easy and so good for you at the same time . Rashelle you are a Blessing
to all of us for developing this method .
This is why you want to be sure to use the Commuter/Computer Audio CD or tape
Hi Rashelle,
I feel sooooo great this morning! I received the commuter/computer CD and the workout bands DVD yesterday.
I didn't do any exercises last night but on my way to work this morning I did the commuter/computer CD.
Man, oh man, I feel sooooooo awesome!!!!!!!!!! I haven't felt like this in a longggggg time!!!!
That CD is really a workout!!! I didn't know I could get such a good workout while driving my car!!!!
I could barely keep up with you! I was almost gasping for air at the end of the lifts!!!!
Plus I am pulling my stomach in much tighter than I used to and I think that is going to make a tremendous difference
in my waist/stomach measurement!
I really am glad I ordered the commuter/computer CD
because I don't always have time to do the workout tapes in front of the TV.
The commuter/computer CD is going to be perfect when I'm on the go as
it helps me to ensure I'm doing the brea! ths correctly.
Thanks again for creating these wonderful exercises.
I can't believe how fantastic I feel this morning all from just breathing!!
Have a wonderful day!
Dawn Sherman
If you loved that message, you'll simply really enjoy this one.
I measured this morning and would you believe that I've already lost a little over an INCH from my stomach!!!!!!
A whole inch in one day!!!!!!! Rashelle, that's just unbelievable! I literally lost over an inch over-night!!!!!!!
There is no other exercise program ANYWHERE that can deliver results like that!!!!!!
Now I'm really motivated to keep going with my breaths.
I didn't get this kind of result the last time I was doing the breaths.
I think the reason is because I wasn't concentrating on really holding my midsection in tighter during the lift.
You really challenge me on the CD when you say during the lift to hold it, hold it, hold it.............
I can barely make it and I'm gasping for air when I release.
What a workout!!!! I'm soooo happy I started breathing again! Stay tuned.............
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Dawn Sherman
"I heard it on Fox and Friends"
One of our Great LifeLifters sent this to one of our support lists...In Support of the Value of Reflexology...
Thanks Connie!
"It has been officially announced that reflexology is now an approved
treatment for illnesses.....But we dear friends already knew that thanx to Rashelle
and her WONDERFUL reflexology tape, didn''t we?" Connie :-)
Hello Rashelle,
I have wanted to write to you for a very long time to thank you and to share my story with others
in the hopes that it will inspire them to see all the benefits that Life Lift will give them.
I started doing Life Lift to lose weight and inches and I have to say that it worked like nothing
I have ever tried, but the other benefits I have noticed are to me as important.
I used to have a hard time sleeping. I have noticed since I started using your reflexology workout
at night before bedtime that I sleep deeper and I feel so much more relaxed than I ever have before.
My whole family gets in front of the TV before bedtime
and we all sit there and do the reflexology workout together.
It has been a wonderful bonding experience for all of us
and we are all sleeping better and waking up in much better moods than we ever did before.
The kids all love it and my husband says it is the most soothing thing he has ever experienced.
We all learned from OxygenZoo. We all grin every time we watch it.
The animals are just adorable and the workout leaves us all feeling like we are using our bodies
in a better way than we have before. It is such a fun way to workout and the Life Lift breathing is just so great.
Before Life Lift we tried all of the other stuff that is out there advertised
and we were always left a little disappointed.
We heard about Life Lift from a friend and when she told us that her whole family was doing it I just had to try it.
We have all of your workouts and we love them all. OxygenZoo is really special though.
We all picked our favorite animal and it is really just a fun experience.
I have noticed we are all nicer to each other. We all seem to stay in better moods since we started doing Life Lift.
We are smiling more, laughing out loud more and just feeling fine most of the time.
The stress of the holidays was not like it usually is, everything seemed manageable.
Rashelle, I have seen that many people refer to you as an angel, and I am convinced they are right.
I will be sending photos soon of all of us doing Life Lift. You have given us the best gift of all.
We are all feeling healthier and I feel like a better Mom for sharing this with my kids.
My husband loves it as much as I do and he is telling all of his co-workers about you and Life Lift.
I hope you will be abundantly blessed in the New Year
for all you are doing to make our world a healthier place for all of us.
With genuine gratitude,
Melissa G. G. and family
Pamela is using the Natural Face Lift kit and the fountain of Youth serum.
I have tried so many other products but nothing compares to your products. I love the way they help my skin look and feel.
Kind Regards,
Hi Rashelle,
I have been telling lots of folks at work about this wonderful program.
They are watching me and saying WHAT'S Going ON!!! Are you on a diet and of course my answer in NO!!
I am doing lifelift!!
Thanks Rashelle - I love your program.
Dee G.
Thank you Rashelle,
I thank you for developing such a wonderful simple way to not only keep in shape but to know that
it is also keeping my insides clean and pure of good oxygen, and keeping my skin looking young.
It is really the most amazing form of exercise I have ever found.
Diana Clem
| |
I'm just so thankful for Rashelle Haines and her Lifelift program. Deep breathing is so relaxing and energizing, helps reduce pain and stress.It feeds your cells with life! This body of mine needs life!:) I do ALOT of deep breathing! I encourage you to give it a try!;) Love,Claudia Wagel | | |
The Reflexology Video/DVD is the most popular DVD after the Original Instructional and the OxygenZoo. It does not have detailed instructions for the LifeLift breathing and is meant for those who learned the correct technique from either the Original LifeLift or the OxygenZoo, but this one may be the most important for you to consider beyond the instructional.
This is what Laurie Delk says about the Reflexology DVD/Video:
"From the daughter of a mother who has been a licensed Reflexologist for over 25 years, you SHOULD get it - In MY opinion, IT is the MOST IMPORTANT of ALL her videos :)
She goes over spots in the feet, hands, legs, chest, lymph, many important spots."
Wonderful Testimonials from Debbi Mosher on her first month's progress with LifeLift: She will inspire you!
Hi Rashelle- My one month total inch loss was 30.5 pounds!!!
Can you believe that? I knew it was working, but that is incredible. I'm still having sugar cravings that I wish I could get under control...it goes along with the adrenal fatigue. I feel that if I can succeed with taming the sugar craving and continue with the Lifelift techniques, I will hopefully and finally lose my inches.
Anyway, thanks for the great program.
Debbi Mosher
Hi Rashelle- I really wasn't planning on writing you as often as I have, but my results are unbelievable. From March 11th to the 22nd I lost 16.5" and no weight loss. On the 23rd I started the loading phase of the homeopathic hCG Diet to help regulate my hormone imbalance with my doctor's approval. On Monday, March 25th, I had gained 3.6 lbs and gained 1" back....not bad because I felt stuffed beyond belief!!! On Wednesday, March 28th, I had a 5.6 lb loss and a total of 19.5" and for the fun of it I decided to weigh and measure myself again today Thursday, March 29th, with a total of 6.4lbs gone and a amazing 22.5" gone....3" loss since yesterday alone and 7" since Monday morning!!! ALL OF THIS IN 19 DAYS!!! Honestly, I'm not bragging. I just want you to know how grateful I am for your program. If knowing this helps you in anyway,,,I'm glad of that. I just want you to know how happy I am after so many years of disappointment.
With gratitude- Debbi
PS I'm going crazy because I've misplaced my commuter cd since I returned home...I may be sending for another one soon because I'm tearing the house apart looking for it!!!?
Hi Rashelle- I told you that I would write you with an update when I got home. Well, I wasn't able to find any real time to do the routine for 5 days....then I did the commuter CD twice two days in a row (my husband joined in too). Anyway, I lost another 4 inches for a total of 16 inches in less than two weeks!!! Needless to say, I am extremely happy>
Hope all is well- Debbi
When I woke up this morning I was curious as to if I lost more inches.....I lost 2 more....totalling 12.5 inches over three days. I'll let you know next week how I made out on my trip home with the inches flying out the window as I drove home leaving them in the dust!!! The funny thing is that I've lost everywhere except for my hips. I know they will come off, but I thought that is curious.
Have a good week....I will!!
Dear Rashelle,
I promised to write to you when I had a testimonial....I just didn't expect to be writing one this soon. I received my DVDs on Saturday and watched them that night. I woke up Sunday morning and took my measurements (ugh) before doing tape #1, and later in the evening I watched and did most of #2. Monday morning I got up and did a combo of #1 and #2, Later in the day I did several breaths while playing a game of dominoes with friends. Every time we shuffled the dominoes, I realized it was loud enough to do my breathing and some isometrics with the legs of the table while doing my breaths. Well as of this morning I've lost an UNBELIEVABLE 10.5 inches from my neck, pecs, chest, ribs, waist, belly, hips, thighs, knees, and arms.
The reason I find this so unbelievable is because my natural body shape is a pear shape, but for the last several years I've looked like a "fruit bow"l because I also had an apple shape to boot! It turns out that for the past several years I've been ignored by main stream medicine. I knew that I had thyroid issues all the classic symptom, but all doctors told me I was fine. Just diet and work out harder if I REALLY wanted to lose weight. Last year I found a whole food nutritionist who discovered that I did in fact have hypothyroidism as well as an intolerance to both gluten and casein (dairy protein). After not really getting any better after a year, I found a naturopath who discovered that my primary issue is mild case of Addison's disease (adrenal fatigue). This helped explain some of the other issues that I've had for years. Along with fatigue and other issues the weight gain has been the worst for me. Just 18 months ago I gained 15 lbs in less than 2 weeks and just recently gained 15 lbs in 6 weeks...all while following a healthy diet. In the past I've done both BodyFlex and Oxycise!...I didn't have the stamina to do BodyFlex and I didn't really like Oxycise!...though I was ready to look into it again because it is certainly less stressful than BodyFlex. Luckily for me I was searching for another option because breathing exercises are important for people with adrenal fatigue....and I found you!!
Needless to say, I'm hooked. I will be doing the commuter tape regularly on my trip home to Massachusetts from Florida. I plan on buying a ball to press between my knees and hands to help tone those areas....and if I'm not mistaken, you said in a newsletter that the inner thigh corresponds to the adrenals in Kinesiology....no wonder my inner thigh is such an issue for me!!!!??
Anyway, thank you for your correspondences and quick service...I'll be breathing all the way home and hopefully a smaller "me".
PS When I walked the beach this morning, I did my LifeLift breaths and different positions with my arms...it really worked me out to a point that I could only do a few at a time....great workout.with a well deserved nap afterwards
Look at Bonnie after a few months of using LifeLift.
Bonnie has lost 5 inches from her waist and 3 inches from each thigh and she looks years younger too....One of the great benefits of LifeLift is what all of the oxygen does to our skin. Feeling more energetic and vibrant can help us all look young and more alive.
"Today I reached my weight goal (130 pounds at 5''7"). And I have been doing the LifeLift breathing/exercises for a year as of May 10.
I also use Rashelle's body wrap (Night Magic) and her face lift -- plus I absolutely love her aloe/comfrey gel.
Yesterday I looked at my stats, which I recorded on the day that I started LL -- and my measurements have decreased more than would be expected through weight-loss only (for example, my waist at 155 pounds was 30" -- now at 130 pounds, it's 25".
What has LifeLift done for me over the past year? Other than contributing to my weight loss, it's also:
1. Increased my breathing ability (I started LL because, after a surgery, I had trouble with the recommended deep breathing -- scared me).
2. Contributed to a year of little illness (I've enjoyed pretty good health for a 60-year-old, no real colds or anything).
3. Given me an instant wake up "trick" when driving long distances -- my husband I have both found that a couple of LL breaths immediately stops road hypnotism! I find this a real safety bonus!
4. Helped me become limber again -- I can now, when laying on my back, raise my hips/legs off the floor and touch the floor behind my head with my toes. Last year at this time, I couldn't even get my rear lifted an inch off the floor!
5. Improved my posture. This is ongoing, still have a lot to work on, but it's become so very much better -- I just wish it would become second nature to walk tall and straight and with my belly/rear tucked in -- maybe some day....
6. When the alarm goes off in the morning, I do several LL breaths in bed -- then I bounce out of bed, totally awake! For me, this is a big change -- I used to drag for quite awhile, taking a long time to fully awaken.
7. Helped tone my droopy upper arms -- not perfect yet, but so much better than they had been.
8. A couple of good LL breaths takes away any minor headaches that I get (well, it hasn't taken away my manager here at work yet, she can be quite a headache, but with the rest of them it's pretty effective! LOL)
I think the most important, overall comment I can make about LifeLift breathing/exercises -- it makes me feel good! And I think the most important thing for you to do is to make it a regular part of each day -- make it a habit and always do it."
Bonnie M.
Bonnie looks years younger after making LifeLift such an important part of her life. She looks great and we salute her!
Thanks Bonnie for the inspiration!
We offer exceptional products to help you reach your goals.
Improve the way you look and feel with LifeLift
Harness the Powerful Beneftis of Oxygen
The benefits of LifeLift are endless
Nurture Yourself Thin with LifeLift
Oxygen is the Key to Life
Wanda M has lost over 87 pounds and improved her health. Wanda uses LifeLift & the Herbal Body Wrap Products
faithfully, along with a healthy diet.
"I just ordered 2 sets of Body wrap products from Rashelle's
wonderful website. I have been without these great assets for a few
months and miss them so. So my gift to myself is to get started using
these faithfully. And I can't wait! Nothing, and I mean nothing can
beat these products."
Love and Happy New Year!

More From Wanda on the Herbal Body Wraps
No matter what package you pick you will come out a winner. I have
my personal favorites of course; but I'm sure we each do who use
these products. Being obese; I have a lot of huge lumps of
accumulated fat on various parts of my body. Wayyy back when I was
getting discouraged in not losing and everyone on the list was having
such remarkable results with LL; I knew I had to try something to
keep me encouraged. I already knew the many factors that were
holding back weight loss; but I needed to see results soon as my
patiet was running thin. And I couldn't let that happen because it
is due to my patience and devotion of no matter what; that I have
continued LL throughout the years. So, I purchased a body wrap set;
used it the first night from forehead down to the bottom of my feet;
it just glides on; smells so light and relaxing. Then day 2 I only
used it on my hips; saddlebags and the fat lumps on my butt. Day 3 I
was getting ready to get into the tub and caught a glimpse of myself
naked; and couldn't believe it. The large lumps on the sides of my
hips were visably smaller; and my saddle bags were slightly smaller.
That's when I started to experiment on keeping the product easy and
quick to use but thought of things to enhance the inch loss; like
wearing control pantihose after the product dried; and wear them for
like 8 hours or more under my clothes. Or putting my clothes or
pajamas in the clothes dryer while bathing; so when I was done I'd
put on warm clothes and that increased results too. One of our dear
Lifelifters suggested blow drying our skin after applying the
product; which warms it so nicely as well. Others literally use the
saran wrap; which I think would be awesome for the saddle bags; I
have not done that yet but will some day when I both have the extra
time and buy stock in saran wrap as I would need to use a lot. LOL
One thing that must be followed tho when using the body wrap
products; plus its a great habit anyway, is to be sure to drink at
least 8 glasses of water per day. We need to flush out the toxis;
etc. that the body wrap are dissolving throughout our bodies.
Ok, I know I said I'd make this short.... but I just can't help it.
I am just so passionate about this product and get so excited talking
about it that I'm like a child at Christmas time! HA

Trish Tschirn has lost lost 66 lbs and numerous inches

Am I dreaming?
Dear Rashelle,
I wanted to let you know that I am experiencing wonderful results with the videos.
Rashelle, I was trapped - it was terrible, until I found your program! My absolute savior!
Do my eyes deceive me? I have not been an angel with my eating by any means.I firmly believe the cellulite is almost gone - I am performing your Level 2 program about 2 to 3 times a week - of course, I do those PAH'S every chance I get - when I drive Am I really seeing this? Cellulite reduced by 80 % or more - my butt looks good enough for me to say so (my very own - miss critical!) You are a miracle-worker!!!
Your devoted friend,
Holly has lost over 70 pounds

Okay, I measured 3 places this moring and have LOST:
2 inches off my upper abs
2 inches off my waist
2 inches off my lower abs
...for a Grand Total of 6 inches off my whole mid-section in a week <:-)
HOORAY for LL, Belly-Rubs & trunk-twisting !!!
Yes, Rashelle's famous Chinese Belly-Rub IS a miracle for the
midriff, waist & lower abdomen, and it works even better than doing
your LL alone, particularly if you do TWO sessions/day, one in the
morning & one in the evening -- You'll be amazed at the RESULTS if
you're super-consistent, and you might even be flabbergasted, LOL
Your friend,
I did the original last week for the first time. Rashelle, you are
precious! Your spontaneous and child-like nature are refreshing to
say the least....I just loved the story you told at the end.
My thighs sure did feel it the next day.
Today I did workout #1 and I'm glad that you made this video! I
enjoyed it, still, I felt as if it was almost too easy! I guess
we've been conditioned (no pun intended, honest;) to think everything
has to be "hard", especially when it comes to exercise. About 1/2
hr. later, I did the Chinese Belly Rub. I did 10 reps of the
clockwise and counter-clockwise motions while I was on the floor
doing the pelvic tilt position the entire time
Have a blessed eve, all! Melissa
Michael and Fairlie are a couple who enjoy doing Life Lift together. They have both had remarkable results.
Michael has trimmed 4 inches off his waist in a couple of weeks and Fairlie has lost a whole size.

Darlene Williford has reduced her stress and increased her energy.

Carrie Barlow says Life Lift has helped her with headaches.
The benefits of using Life Lift go way beyond weight loss

"Rashelle Haines has successfully filled a gap in today's health care system.
Oxygen Zoo provides a much needed therapy for our children.
Most of the problems we have as adults stem from lack of proper training and utilization of the body's full potential.
Not enough can be said as to the value of proper breathing exercises.
I suggest to my patients that the whole family follow the video together."
Dr. Gregory Orcutt
"As a physician, LifeLift has my highest recommendation!
Anyone, and I mean anyone regardless of fitness level can do these videos.
Even if one is physically unable to do the body positions, breathing can be done by all.
There is an epidemic of obesity in this country especially among our children.
It's alarming and dangerous because obesity has been shown to shorten one's lifespan and
opens the door for a number of debilitating diseases.
Every parent needs to purchase a copy of oxygen zoo. I love this tape!
Oxygen and deep aerobic breath work are the key to vibrant health, longevity, boosted energy level,
strengthened immune system, heightened concentration and alertness,
kills viruses and bacteria(I have not had a cold since I started LifeLift), calming effect,
and eliminates harmful toxins and poisons in the body.
All of Rashelle's tapes are in my video library.
I do them religiously. I am a size 10 again.
My athletic performance at 38 is better than it was in my twenties. I no longer suffer from PMS.
I recommend Life Lift to all my patients. Give yourself the gift of a better life with LifeLift".
Kathleen J. McDonald
Buffalo, NY
Would you like to be our next success story?
Read these testimonials and prepare to be inspired!
Be sure to read our wonderful testimonials at this web site and www.lifelift.net
These results may not be typical and may not apply to everyone using these products
What can changing the way you breathe do for you? More than you can imagine!
Oxygen can burn fat, properly deployed with the LifeLift-OxygenLift Aerobic Breathing technique.
Oxygen can ncrease your metabolism..naturally.
Oxygen can help you lose weight.
Oxygen can help you reduce your stress.anytime of day.
Oxygen can help you sleep better
Oxygen is the key to:
Beautiful skin
Natural healthy weight loss
Increased energy
Better health.
Imagine in your mind that as you do your Life Lift breaths daily,
your stress is melting away,
along with the excess fat on your body.
You could be stronger, healthier, and more attractive than you have ever been in your life. by learning to breathe better
Imagine in your mind that your energy is elevated; your health is improving, day-by-day.
Being healthy and fit does not have to be a grueling task.
Many are reporting weight loss and better health from using yoga.
LifeLift takes you several steps beyond yoga to help you achieve even better results
while you actually enjoy working out.
Stop imagining and start living it now.
LifeLift has been proven well over four decades.
All you need is your own body to learn to do this remarkable breathing technique that is being used all over the world: from Scotland to South Africa, England to France, Spain to Italy, Australia to New Zealand, Canada to China, Japan to Sweden.and all across America
Adding the LifeLift Aerobic Breathing method to your daily routine may
Increase metabolism naturally
Help you lose weight without deprivation diets-We believe in healthy eating habits,
keeping your body fueled for nutrition and common sense eating practices.
We do not recommend diets that deprive your body of the nutrients you need to be healthy.
We do not believe in starvation or any other way of eating that may put your health at risk.
Your success is important to us.
We offer exceptional products to help you reach your goals..
Remember that it is oxygen that burns fat, tones muscle, reduces stress and increases strength and endurance.
Find out why changing the way you breathe can change your life.
Want to find the fountain of youth?
Then learn to breathe in the most efficient way possible with Life Lift! Oxygen is the key to beautiful, ageless skin.
Over 99% of our devoted Life Lifter's started out with the other breathing programs and they agree Life Lift is the best!
Your success is important to us. We offer exceptional products to assist you in reaching your goals of having a healthy, attractive body and face for the rest of your life!
Our Natural Face Lift kit-(can be found under Natural Face Lift-Body Slimming)
is taking the world by storm.
Here are a three messages from one of our newest LifeLifters who is now in love with our Natural Face Lift kit.
Hello dear Rashelle!
I must thank-you for the great skin lifting kit because after less than 1 week I already see a difference in my skin's lines and elasticity. I've been using the product daily full strength after the first use. Today my skin in the lift was tighter and more tingly than ever. Even my lips are plumper......don't know why, as I don't put it on my lips. The lift seems to pull them up, from where who knows? After the mask is dry, I've noticed that I missed a couple places on my skin. I took the fan brush and put a little water on it and went over some places on my skin, including the areas I missed. That action started the tingling all over again! I'm very happy & I will keep using this gr8 mask.
Thank-you so much! Blessings,
Hello Rashelle, Everyday my skin looks even better with this wonderful face lift kit! I'm so excited to see how much improvement will eventually occur! I used it on my elderly mom last evening. She looks about 70 and Dr's don't believe it when she tells them her age, but she couldn't believe it when she saw her skin with and after your facelift!
Thank-you for everything!
Hello Rashelle! YOU are truly precious...how can I thank-you enough for being so caring and helpful?! My sweetest mom has been calling to find out about her order, she's so excited. Now, I'll tell her the famous creator has made sure she'll get her face lift kit. ,'~)
I do want to tell you that you look even more beautiful in your video than in your lovely picture.....much younger and more beautiful. How very often it is that we try something new in hopes it will be what is claimed, but is not.
Rashelle, I'm sure you give all you touch faith in mankind because you and your products truly live up to the press. I know you've sure given me a big life boost. It's an honor to meet you.
Take care and God bless you and yours always,

You can find them under Anti-Aging Skin Care in the main store.
I have tried other products but nothing compares to your products. I love the way they help my skin feel and look.
Kind Regards, Pamela
I wanted to tell you about my experience of using the Victory Theory.
I purchased the CD's maybe two weeks ago....? I can't quite
remember. Anyway, I felt so different the day after listening to
the first tape. I felt light hearted all day. The second day I
really noticed how many negative thoughts that I have during the
course of a day.
Normally, the thoughts would have gone on and I would have dwelled
on them and felt bad. After listening to Rashelle's soothing voice,
telling me to just say out loud "STOP" when a negative thought
enters, well it made me think and so each time that little bad
thought came along. I said "stop"! I am ashamed to admit how many
times I had to do that. I lost count after 40. Isn't that
amazing? My thoughts were really making my life seem not so good.
I had no idea....
I Ahhh, thanks Rashelle.
I am really looking forward to hearing the rest of the titles
Hi Rashelle
What a dynamic voice you have on The Victory Theory CDs!!!
What happiness comes out of your voice!!! What a wonderful presentation!!
You are absolutely CONTAGIOUS, and so is your happiness and mirth.
As far as changes in me as a result of listening to the Shattering Your
Limitations CD is
concerned, you should see the drastic and dramatic changes that have
taken place in my behavior and in my thoughts SO FAR!!!!
This Victory Theory program is truly miraculous!!! I love it!!
.I am happy to tell you that I have finally found my favorite therapy!!
It is called The Victory Theory, and the name of my favorite "therapist" is
Rashelle Haines!!! What a wonderful program this is!!! I am listening to the
Prosperity and Abundance CD now, and it is wonderful, just as the
Shattering Your Limitations CD is, and just as ALL of the other 4 CDs
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Love always,
Pat Lusher
I love the Victory Theory, too. I started listening to mine about the same time Pat did. I'm finding that I have a much more positive outlook on life since I began. I find myself looking at events, circumstances, etc in a whole new way. I just don't seem to dwell on negative thoughts. I find I'm more forgiving, more accepting, more loving, and just more at peace. I love Rashelle's products, but I never would have dreamed that something so simple would help me so much. All this, and I'm still on the first CD.
Melinda :o)
I am still listening to the Victory Theory, most every day. I love it. I find that I'm able to be much more positive about things since I started listening to it. More than anything else, I've had some major unforgiveness in my life and it was just hurting me. Even though the Victory Theory CDs I've listened to so far do not directly address this issue, I believe they're nonetheless causing a change in me. I find that I'm just effortlessly happier, more positive, calmer, etc. I find I'm not having to fight negative thoughts related to this whole unforgiveness thing, and that is absolutely amazing. I can hardly believe that I'm just naturally thinking about much better things - - and all so easily. The Victory Theory CDs have made a huge impact on my life.
They're very relaxing. I'm so glad I finally took the money to get these for myself.
Melinda :o)
You will love the Victory Theory. So inspiring like you
More information to keep you motivated
Diana R
I got my Victory Theory CD's...have listened to the
first one so far, and really do love it!
It's funny...even when you make a point I might have
heard before, it somehow sounds fresh coming from you. I know you
hear this all the time, but your voice really is comforting, and so
full of positive energy. I've listened to what seems like a million
self-help tapes, but this is one of the few that really makes me feel
like, "Yep...I can do anything!"
Take care and God bless!
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Your testimonial could be highlighted next
Steffi Powers has lost over 60 pounds and maintained it for 9 years. She is healthier and as you can see she looks many years younger.
Look at Steffi above at over 190 and now at 130.
This took place when she decided to add LifeLift to her life and make simple changes that she can live with for the rest of her life.
After years of struggling with my weight I feel as if I have been freed from a life sentence.
When I was younger I was very slim and weight loss was never a thought, but when I was in my 30's I had some Thyroid problems and I went from 120 lbs to over 190 lbs in less than a year that is when I began my years of struggling with weight loss.
I tried several diets and many different kinds of exercise but it was not until I added the LifeLift breathing to my efforts that I finally started to see the pounds and inches fall off.
I have found that the perfect combination for me is not fad diets, but to use common sense eating as it recommends with the LifeLift
program combined with at least 20 minutes of LifeLift breathing every day.
My weight was up over 190 lbs and I had more extra chins than any woman would want to admit. Now I am down to less than 130 lbs and I feel fantastic.
Before I lost the weight I heard someone refer to me as the nice elderly woman on the corner and that combined with declining health problems was too much for me. Now I have a new Grandson and everyone tells me I look too young to be a Grandma. I know that all the oxygen that I am getting from doing the LifeLift breathing has given me far more benefits than I can count. One is the huge benefit of the weight and inch loss, but even more than that I have more energy than I have in years and I no longer feel twice my age after just a few months of adding LifeLift breathing to my life.
Since I started doing LifeLift I cannot even begin to tell of all the differences in myself and in my life. Everyone tells me I look great, but more important than that I feel younger and healthier than I did when I was young, I have renewed energy and actually enjoy my life more. One of the things LifeLift teaches is that the more relaxed you are the easier it is for your body to release toxins, fat and stress. Doing LifeLift is the most relaxing and nurturing workout I can imagine and the proof of what it teaches is in my results. Now instead of searching my closet for clothes to hide my body I am out shopping for new clothes and it feels so good to be able to wear attractive clothes and feel young again.
There are three important components to the LifeLift breathing program oxygen, water and not skipping meals. I have followed this with amazing results and because it is such a manageable way of life I feel confident that my days of yo-yo diets and hiding myself are over for me."
